Before you begin your journey in Karate, make sure to do your research and seek out a credible and legitimate sensei who clearly displays their passion in teaching and intentions behind why they teach. Find a Sensei who is dedicated to teaching and karate is their own personal lifestyle. Find a Good Sensei First, before you begin your journey. Once your do, TRUST they will lead you to what is best for you. GOOD Sensei's teach Karate for the LOVE of the ART and what it does for people. Karate Kid Excerpt: Miyagi Sensei to Daniel: Danial San, I SAY , YOU DO, NO Questions! Deal? My job TEACH, YOUR job LEARN. The main point here is that students must TRUST their Sensei. The order of training and when you are taught something OR NOT is because your Sensei knows what is best for you. Just like a parent, your Sensei determines what you need to learn, WHEN you need to learn it, and WHAT you NEED to learn next and IF you need to learn something at all. Just remember, it's NOT the student's job to tell their Sensei how to teach or what to teach or how often to teach something. A Student DOES NOT know what is best to learn and most of the time they dont even know what is best for them, regardless of the students age OR rank. If it were not for your sensei, You wouldn’t have a clue what you are being taught ANYWAY! That would be like a child telling their parent how to raise "them" and what to feed them and what manners they should learn instead of how the parent sees fit. Would you ask a college professor to strike out a certain chapter and to only teach specific topics YOU the student deems important to FOCUS on? They have a curriculum and a process to follow. Students don't know what they need to learn before taking the course. Personally, I teach my own students as if they were "my own" children. This is my main objective and I cannot see a more honest approach to developing my own Students. In this manner, I see a more honest relationship with my students. A sensei is Equal but he is also owed the respect of a senior. Traditional values teach us to respect our elders. IN karate, a HIGHER RANK is considered an ELDER in the ART.
TRUST in your Sensei. He is there for you to benefit from them the most and cares for you. TRUST him/her especially if you know that your sensei makes personal sacrifices FOR YOU and the dojo as a whole. Choosing the best interest of the over-all dojo environment over a member’s tuition is a great indicator of a Sensei’s Sacrifice. Their willingness to sever ties with anyone who harms the dojo or its members on any level or brings negative energy. SO, if your Sensei says Fundamentals first, Then 2 Man drills are next, then Self defense technique after that and maybe sparring techniques after, and co-incidentally he does not feel you are ready to learn a specific technique yet even though YOU WANT TO learn it, It's most likely for your best interest. Trust YOUR Sensei. If your Sensei says Shotokan or Shito Ryu are Close-minded labels and that KARATE has no labels OR LIMITS, and he advises you to learn beyond the Scope of a style, avoid close-mindedness and self limitation. Again, TRUST your Sensei. If your Sensei says FOLLOW the code of Etiquette & Manners and RESPECT your class-mates and most importantly all your KOHAI, TRUST Sensei again. TRUST is Everything!! It seems in these times, most people want everything delivered without regard to the process, or without appreciation or loyalty to the one who taught them from A - Z. The pieces of the puzzle will come together in the end with a GOOD Sensei. BTW, it does not take very long to know your Sensei Loves you. Just pay attention to his message a few times and you will see.. Actions always speaks loudly, and so do good words of wisdom and experience. But you must have TRUST and RESPECT. THIS LEADS to LOYALTY, success and lots of Learning! Good Sensei’s prefer to have Good students, Not customers. A Dojo is a Family. Oss.
Shihan Joseph Claycomb